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Player One Saturn camera thread


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I was quite surprised how big is 533 sensor placed in the planetary camera housing - looks like a muscle camera :)  ASI290 at the right for comparison.


I ordered mine (color version) for EAA and lucky imaging tasks, because I have never done that before. Internal passive cooling (additional fan can be attached to the camera back) seems to be a nice feature. When shooting 4s frames (typical EAA probably) sensor reached 32*C, while enclosure was 30*C, so heat transfer seems to work fine (in 21*C room temperature). 

Do you have already any experience with that cameras? I have done sensor analysis with SharpCap so far and waiting for clear skies - though it may take a days or weeks at my location :( 


I also tested the transfer and it reached promised 42fps - good, good. 




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Yesterday I had a chance for the first light. I plan to use Saturn C camera with my Celestron SCT 8" for EAA (and maybe with Samyang 135 as travel setup), but for testing I have attached the camera to 90/540 refractor with 0.8x FF/FR. It was quite windy and some high clouds were present, but first live stacks are already in my hard drive :)

The very first one was M45 - it is 60x4s stack. I have started stacking too early when the mount haven't finished goto, so some stars are elongated :(


Another one is M33 galaxy - 100x4s:


and NGC891 galaxy with Abell 347 cluster - 150x4s


Camera settings: mode RAW16, gain 150, offset 100, live stack in SharpCap with master flat, but without master dark yet (so I needed to remove a few hot pixels manually), algorithm: Average (I need to test sigma clipping next time). Raw stacks were shortly processed in Pixinsight: stretching, color balance and noise reduction.

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And one more stack from the last night.  TecnoSky 90/540 refractor with 0.8x FF/FR, Player One Saturn C, gain 150, 80x8s.

At single 8s frame stars down to 14mag were recorded. At 100ms frames and high gain (350-400) stars down to 10.5mag are visible (with 90mm refractor). 



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