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Flaming Tadpoles


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This is one I think looks better in a natural palette - mostly data from last night (L-ultimate and RGB stars), with some extra NB data from december.

All together about 8 hours of 10 min subs for NB, and er.. only 8 mins of 2 min subs for RGB as it was really cloudly last night when I took the RGB, so had to trash most of it.

All the the redcat and asi2600.

Leaving all the stars in on this one hides too much of those fine filaments, so I've been a bit selective with how I've treated the stars - leaving the bright ones in, and the star cluster, and blending them in more where they won't hid the nebulosity detail, while keeping them fainter in the top left where all those filaments are.

I shot the tadpoles in a bit more closeup last night as well with my 80ED (500mm), so will post that one tomorrow when I've processed it.



Edited by powerlord
lowered vibrance
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