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The Tadpole Nebula - SHORGB (30hrs)


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Hey Folks!


First and foremost, I hope everyone is having a happy holiday season :)

Today I wanted to share with you all a quick project that I was able to finish up between work and clouds and life. The Tadpole Nebula - This is one that I have always wanted to image but has evaded me for quite some time but I was finally able to put some hours into it. This image consists of 30 total hrs of data (24hrs of SHO and 6hrs RGB for the stars).

My goal in these SHO/RGB images is to create a somewhat ethereal/realistic version using narrowband data. Imaging these targets using LRGB filters is the ultimate way to achieve this result but my light pollution is just too poor for that. For this image I overlayed the SHO data with the aggressively stretched RGB data. The red in the nebula from the RGB data cuts through the narrowband data and really gives it a unique looks which I have grown to really strive for lately.  I'm glad that I'm able to replicate these results finally. 

That all being said, I hope you all enjoy :)




10" f/3.9 Newtonian


Astrodon 3nm SHO/RGB

SHORGB final forum.jpg

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