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Skywatcher 12" (305mm) Collapsible Ordered

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Good morning or afternoon if you are in GMT. I ordered a few weeks ago the Skywatcher 12" Collapsible telescope. I had to take a floor model but let me explain:

I was told by the dealer that Skywatcher will not be making more or sending anymore until Late May or June of this year and that based on price increases worldwide that Skywatcher is increasing the price 2-$400 Canadian per unit. That is a huge increase and I said pack it up. I trust the dealer so it shouldn't be an issue.

Now onto the good stuff. I am having them customize the scope by moving the finder mount over so I can place a telrad right next to the focuser. I will be driving to Ottawa mid April to visit family and to pick up the scope. It would have cost me $150 Canadian to ship it. Thats more than what the gas costs to get there so its a no-brainer.

I am going to be making a dew/light shield out of Reflectix HVAC Bubble wrap and Felt. Same material used at www.dewshields.com

I am also making a light shroud out of the same material.

I have to say this stuff is amazing. I made a dew shield for my refractor and was out observing, everything had frost on it, even the dew shield itself but the lens was clear, not a drop, good stuff.

I can't wait to get the scope.


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