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Newbie lunar image


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I posted recently in the planetary section about my initial attempts with lucky imaging. I was out again last night and since the moon was out I could use it for focusing - and while the scope was pointing that way I figured why not (I went on to do some Jupiter, will post these shortly in planetary).

SkyWatcher 900mm/70mm refractor; Canon ESO 450D; Svbony eyepiece projection adapter; 25mm eyepiece; BackyardEOS


First time lucky imaging on the moon - I've some idea what I'm doing in Autostakkert for planets but no idea for the moon so I need to read up though I find the resulting image pleasing enough.

I'm quite curious to learn how to do the mosaics I've read about. Thinking about it some more it would probably be better with either a DSLR + zoom lens where I can get the whole disk in frame at once, or maybe ditch the 25mm eyepiece and just go with prime focus - but I was geared up for planets.

Onwards and upwards! 👍🔭

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Lovely little image there. I was going to suggest a mosaic but see you’ve beaten me to it. I’ve just done my first couple and it’s very fun! 

Get videos encompassing the whole moon. By the looks of things you could do it in 6 or so panels. I tend to find that autostakkert alone does best for lunar surface work, but only if there isn’t too much drift over the whole video. You can always restrict frames/split up videos if autostakkert is getting confused. Then use Microsoft image composite editor. You have to dig a little bit to find a download link but shouldn’t be too hard. Stick in the images and do a simple stitch, export as tiff and take it to registax and voila! 

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