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A quick bolide.


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Popped out for a quick nature call before going to bed last night, looked up and there was a nice little bolide in all its glory, streaking towards the SW. It fragmented neatly at about 45 degrees above the horozon. No colour but still very nice. It makes you wonder how many we miss!

This was at about 8.30 pm UK time, 9.30 pm here in France.


Edited by ollypenrice
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Bolides and fireballs are amazing! - The only 'bolide' I have seen to date was the night a day after the late HRH Princess Diana, Princess of Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 died/was 'killed' in that awful RTA*. I have seen a few 'fireballs', etc.

Anyway... back to the topic. During the pandemic, I signed up to a local social-network site, and strangely enough one of the members/residents, yesterday morning posted what they think [especially their young son], say was a 'fireball' about twelve hours earlier and south-west.

I have replied and said that I think it is a vapour trail/contrail from a passing aircraft. I have looked at https://heavens-above.com/https://ukmeteornetwork.co.uk/ and https://spaceweather.com/ - there are no reports for it. I have looked on my laptop, [as it was a tad difficult to ascertain on my iPhone] at the footage the OP has kindly sent me via email after transferring it from his wife's phone and I am convinced that it is a vapour trial. Just listening to his wife and young son's reaction/commentary made it more amazing.


* I do not want/wish to start a discussion here on SGL or anywhere else on my thoughts relating to it. Please do not reply to this part or personally to me via SGL PM, email, SMS/text, etc. They will be ignored and reported. It is a sensitive topic may/will breach the SGL T&C's, etc. Thank you in advance. 

Edited by Philip R
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2 hours ago, Gfamily said:

'... before going to bed [...] at about [...] 9.30 pm ' 

Tell me you're an imaging astronomer without telling me you're an imaging astronomer 😄 

Always nice to see a good one.


My imaging is now robotic and, besides, there was a moon and cloud. I've got twenty years of never going to bed to catch up on!!!


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