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Solar wedge for safe viewing and photography of today's eclipse?


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I just had a bit of a brainwave. :rolleyes2: Stop laughing at the back! :tongue2:

I can't be at home at max for the 1/3 partial eclipse today. 12.00[CET] Check your local timing!
So I thought I'd take my 2" Lacerta solar wedge with me.
Then I can safely view the sun and even take a few digital snaps through it.

The Lacerta's polarising filter + Brewster Angle + built in ND should provide comfortable viewing.
Though I have never tried it without it being attached to a telescope.
This will avoid my taking anything more bulky with me. :thumbsup:

The Lunt 1.25" wedge is even smaller but probably less useful for photography.
I could pass it around the class for a bit of outreach if it proves worthwhile.
As long as they don't drop it! I'll have to go though my 1.25" filters first. To see what helps.

I'll update as soon as the sun rises. [If ever] So I can check for visual light throughput of these wedges.
If it is still too bright I'll use a reflection off a window to kill the excess light.
Exact Solar orientation may be subject to some confusion. 🤣

Be safe out there! 😎

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All the plans...

Both wedges worked fine for visual views. I could see the disk through cloud with quite a deep bite at 11.00.

12.00 and Maximum was clouded out and actually raining. This time I took my TZ7 with me. Not a single useful image. :rolleyes2:

The sun came out on my drive home and was nuisance for reflecting off the wet roads straight ahead.


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