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Connecting a camera to a telescope.

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I have acquired an ASI224mc planetary/lunar camera but I also want to experiment with it for EAA. I shall be mounting it on a Startravel 102 with a Baader 2.25x Barlow to image objects like the Crab nebula or Dumbell nebula for instance. I've been using Astronomy Tools to see if this combination is viable for certain size objects. I'm aware that I shall (probably) need some kind of extension tube to connect this setup to the telescope but I don't know where to look for this or whether there is a fixed measurement as with back focus or just pot luck.

This is the only thing I've managed to cobble together from my collection of bits and pieces that fits together:


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I have made extensive use of a similar setup. You can dispense with the Barlow lens as the camera chip gives a rather small FOV even without one. You will probably need either an extension tube or a star diagonal. I use a helical focuser as an extender + fine focuser, though the focus is not as fine as I'd like.  And if you want natural colour you want an UV/IR cut filter. ZWO offer one for about £24.

There are several ways of attaching the camera to things (T2, 2", 1.25") but if you use 1.25" it is easier to swap things over to perform a GoTo alignment.

Use a pencil to mark the various focus points on the focuser tube.

I suggest you mount it on the EQ5 GoTo in your signature.  If you incorporate plate-solving in your setup, that will avoid a great deal of aggro when pursuing fainter objects.

Edited by Cosmic Geoff
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Thanks for that, particularly that I could use the star diagonal that usually lives on the 102.

I should still be able to do plate solving with my Asiair and AzGti, lighter and quicker to set up, my main reason for wanting to have a go at EAA.

Edited by LaurenceT
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