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A Start on NGC281 The Pacman Nebula


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I've decided to start my first 40-hour project. Previously, I think my longest project was around 18 hours total. The plan is to capture 12 hours each of Ha, OIII, & SII and then 4 hours of RGB with my 2600MC for the star colors. I'm not sure how long this project will take to complete but hopefully, I can finish it this season. Last night I managed to capture 7hrs and 20mins of Ha data from my backyard via 44x10min (600sec) subs.

Explore Scientific ED152 CF APO telescope, TS/Optics 1.0x Flattener, ZWO ASI2600MM camera, Chroma 3nm Ha filter, iOptron CEM70EC mount, ZWO ASI290mm/OAG guide camera.
Captured with NINA V2 HF2, Processed with PixInsight 1.8.9-1

WBPP - Integrated the 44 subs with 25 Flats and a 600sec Master Dark and 3sec Master Dark to match the Flats.
Dynamic Crop - Histogram Stretch - Dark Structure Enhance - Noise XTerminator - export as JPG 100%


Edited by SiriusDoggy
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