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Please help me solve this ancient mystery.... why are these two AstroEngineering ImageMate units so different?


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Hi all,

Getting back into astro after a long break, and digging through equipment drawers I've stumbled across these two Astro Engineering ImageMate 4x units. I have no idea whatsoever how I ended up with two of these things... but more to the point, they are completely different!

You can see from the images, both are marked identically. One is physically over 5mm taller, but most significant is the clear disparity in optics, the shorter unit has a much smaller clear aperture and optic assembly so the prescriptions have to be different.

I would like to sell one to a good home as I hardly need two, but before that happens I'd like to know how these things differ. A comparison test would be ideal, but I don't really have the expertise to critically judge and clear nights are at a premium.

If anyone is experienced with these units or their manufacture, and can shed some light on these differences I would really appreciate it!






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Hi Paul,

I suspect the shorter one is an earlier version of the AC519 and the other is an improved version having an undercut and I presume anti-reflection ridges on the front. It was intended for the small size CCD chips of the time. Here's a nostalgic AE video showing their barlows and the Imagemate, (the longer one). 😃


Edited by symmetal
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