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Text not displaying in SGL posts - Firefox extension issue?


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Today, I noticed that the text in individual SGL posts (but not in forum overviews, etc.) was not being displayed. Specifically, the text is still there, and can be revealed by selecting it, but by default it seems to be displaying unhelpfully as black on black. I'm running Firefox under Windows. This isn't happening in MS Edge.

After some experimentation, I pinned it down to Firefox's Facebook Container extension, the add-on that stops your data leaking to FB from third-party sites. My copy of the extension was auto-updated to v2.3.3 earlier today. Disabling the extension restores the usual behaviour. I've no idea why it should cause this; it is also affecting the size of the text in ClearOutside, but nothing else that I can see. So possibly there's some outbound call for fonts that's now being blocked. I haven't been able to find any mention of the problem online, but in the short term, disabling the FB extension should restore the text. 

Edited by Zermelo
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