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NGC6914 - First Image of the Season


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It's finally dark enough to start capturing again! :hello2:

Those following my Obsy build thread will have seen this image already but I thought I'd post it in here as well.

This is the first image of the season for me and the first taken in the new Obsy in the garden, also the first using the L-eNhance filter. This was taken on Thursday evening (1st Sept) as a test session to check the new pier, get the mount Polar Aligned and test out the new focuser & EAF I fitted over the Summer. 

The kit used was: HEQ5 with Rowan Belt mod, Evostar 100ED DS Pro with 0.85 FF/FR, ZWO ASI294MC Pro set to -10°C, 200 gain & 30 offset, L-eNhance filter using APT & PHD2.

The image was stacked and processed in PI and consists of 22 x 240s exposures = 1h 28m total integration. It could have done with more time but I lost some subs to high cloud before lower cloud covered the sky just after 11pm.

I hope you like the results and C&C's welcome, as always. ;)


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