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IC 4756


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This open cluster in Serpens is large (40 arc-min) and bright (mag 4.6) but not often imaged, probably because it's an IC object.  But a binocular target as well as suitable for wide-ish field imaging.  As it happens on the night of 27th August I already had my TMB 105 (4", 650 mm fl) refractor on my mount, so took advantage of the first clear night for ages to image this object.  Fairly low and past the meridian, so not much time for capture, and I lost 9 subs at the start of the session - wrong spacing for the flattener, and didn't notice the edge distortions when originally focusing  - oops!  But ended up with 9 x 5 minute luminance and 4 each x 5 minute RGB, all unbinned with my QSI 683 camera.   Might go for a bit more data, but I doubt it will make much difference.  And the even bigger and brighter IC 4665 is in the same area, so worth a visit before the year progresses much further.  IF I get another clear night in time!




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