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It All Came Together


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Last nite in my backyard under Bortle 4/5 skize, SQM-L 20.5, the views were above average. With my NP101 mounted on my SW AZ5 using my 21mm Hyperion, 15mm Ultima Edge, 12.5mm Morpheous and 9mm Morpheous it was a great night between 11pm and 1am, everything seemed to be just right. Temperature was around 15°C with humidity just a bit high. Everything that Andormeda, Hercules, Cassiopia and Saggittarius had to offer was wonderfull and the Dumbell stood out in all its glory using my NPB UHC filter. And as usual the Double Cluster was spectacular ! And supposedly tonite is supposed to be even better skies, I'll keep my fingers crossed, lol.

Edited by LDW1
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