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Doubles around Pegasus


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I was exploring the mysterious region around Pegasus with the help of the proof copy of Discovering Double Stars II. 

Started by estimating tonight's bortle and it was a good (for me) 8. I jumped from Algenib to Caldwell 43 but saw nothing as I expected. I continued the hop to STT 505 in the middle of the Pegasus square, but couldn't make out a companion.

STF 24 is an easy hop from Alpheratz, easy but not very bright.

36 Andromedae at 1.2" is possibly the tightest split I have ever managed with my C6. I suspected it was a double at 140x, but pushing up the power to 300x got a clean and indisputable split.

STF 3044 south-west of Algenib was worth three stars in my log but I can't remember why!

STF 22 impressed me less - it seemed fainter that the advertised 7.1/7.7 magnitude.

Jupiter was higher now at 1:30AM, so I had a long look at 157x with an SLV 6. There were glimpses of detail in the two main bands, and the red spot stood out well at times. I have a nagging feeling the views were better in my long-gone 102 mm Maksutov...

Edited by Ags
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