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August 7, 2022: 8-pane, 71 Mpixel lunar mosaic

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Got the C8 out yesterday, and despite rather jittery seeing grabbed 8 1000-frame SER files with the ASI183MC. Stacked 25% in AS!3, stitched the panels in MS-ICE, then sharpened the result in ImPPG (which turns the result into 16-bit grey scale). I loaded the original colour mosaic and the ImPPG result in GIMP, blurred the colour version with a Gaussian, decomposed it into L, A, and B channels, recomposed the result with the sharpened grey scale as L channel, and the A and B channels of the blurred colour version (blurring the colour version reduces noise when increasing saturation). I am quite pleased with the result, given the seeing.

Result after slight contrast stretch:



Increasing saturation slightly yields this


Clicking for full resolution highly recommended

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