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NGC6888 C27 The Crescent Nebula


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Here's my go at the Crescent Nebula. Significant as it's the first go out using my new OAG.

I kept loosing the guide star due to poor guide camera focus so there's a bit of eggyness and the flats haven't quite done their job and there were no darks in the mix because there are no 60 second ones in the library. But other than that I'm well pleased because the flexure was getting progressively worse with each session using the 80mm guide scope.

132 x 60 second lights, 30 x flats, 30 x dark flats
CPWI. NINA, PHD2, Stellarium
PixInsight for calibration, stacking and processing.

It's just a quick process, I'll have another go when I've made some 60 second dark frames.



Edited by Graeme
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