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Low altitude Moon. Better than I thought it would be.


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Clear skies at full moon on 14th June, so imaged it for something to do. Altitude was only 11.5 degrees so it was skimming the treetops. To maximize chance of  a sharper image I tried using a solar continuum filter along with a  FLT98 scope, 2x Powermate and ASI178MM. Wanted to keep the exposure low at 5mS, and with the filter cutting out a lot of light had to use a high camera gain of 360.

6 panel mosaic with each panel 2mins at 40fps and stacked only the best 10% in Autostakkert as the quality graph was pretty bad so only ended up with best 480 frames stacked per channel. I did try stacking 15% but it was noticeably softer. I also took 10mS exposures at lower gain but again it gave less sharp results than 5mS.

Stacks processed in Imppg and PS. I had to resample to 50% in PS to get a reasonable looking result so it would have been better not to use the Powermate I suspect. Click for full size, (3000 x 3000 pixels)



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