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Another newbie

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Hello all,

very excited to be part of this forum. Have always had an infatuation with stargazing since I was a child and have now decided to begin travelling to different locations for optimum viewing opportunities. I'm from the Pacific Northwest and hoping to get some input or suggestions of a good place to start this adventure.

Unfortunately, I don't know the correct questions to ask, so I apologize for my level of ignorance here. I came across Central Idaho's Dark Sky Reserve. Are there any suggestions of a good place to be at. This seems to cover an exceptionally large area. 



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Welcome! I'm also from the PNW. Whereabouts are you? I'm in PDX. 


***I should also mention that I'm a newbie as well so I can't offer any real advice other than what I have read and seen. 

Edited by v4cascade
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2 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

I am from uk but is there such a thing as a USA dark sky map?

There are many but you need one that it as up to date as possible. 

Below is an example but it is probably out of date.


That's a very nice site. It appears that it may be up to date. I will definitely look more into this and let you know.

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