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M13. Rework with more data


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I had a look at the M13 that I did last year, and realised that, although I had captured 15 subs each of RGB in G2v calibration, I only had 8 subs Luminance. With a brief clear slot I decided to collect another 4 hours Luminance, but in 300 sec subs instead of the 600 sec that I did previously. 

Unfortunately I had odd trailing in some of the subs (Not sure why) so only 3 hours worth made it into the stack. Still, I combined what I had and made a new LRGB. I also restacked the RGB and combined them before doing a DDP and deconvolution. The Luminance also had a deconvolution applied. A slight histogram adjustment was performed to bring up the background a little, and hold back the brightest star cores, and a modest saturation boost to bring out the star colours.


If I should revisit this I will pull the subs down further, probably 180 sec Lum, and 300 / 300 / 525 sec G2v RGB subs.


Edited by DaveS
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