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Brief doubles session on 29.4.2022


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Brief because the location was pretty mediocre for anything other than doubles. 

The caravan park where our tourer resides permanently has a row of four lights which run down the centre and very little else in the way of LP around.

I thought it worth a try from the back of the van (this was kind of enforced), which is shaded from the light to have a go at some doubles and maybe a few clusters.

The original venue planned was shelved due to the local bobbies blocking the road due to an undisclosed incident, hence hiding behind the van.

Weapon of choice my ED100 who was long overdue a workout. I was toying with taking the 80mm Scopetech but decided against over complicating it as it was first time at a new venue.

Started easy with Castor, always a nice one to start out with. Simple to find too but here is where the wheels fell off a little as I hadn't really done any pre-session planning, most unlike me!

Anyway, with the use of apps (sky safari6) I found and observed further doubles, Algeiba in Leo being one which is easy but pleasing on the eye. However I spotted that M53 GC was close by so I thought let's have a bash at that.

I eventually got it but was very underwhelmed by what I saw. Little more than a smudge in the eyepiece.  Seems the little amount of perceived LP was having a greater effect than I anticipated because to be fair, I wasn't really struggling finding stars to plot my target finding.

Things can be misleading as we all know, however still a decent place for doubles because I saved my two best for last and at that point decided to wrap up. Mainly due to lack of a prepared list of potential objects I have to say.

So just to check how good the seeing actually was I dropped onto Polaris.  x180 showed a lovely steady main star with it's companion sitting nicely to the side, clear and distinct with a strong separation.  Polaris is a pointer I use along with a few others to check what the state of the skies are, this was a good sky.

Finally Izar in Bootes (36 Boo) is a gorgeous Orange/Blue double. reminds me a lot of Almach although a little more testing. Although it was evident at x125, I needed to pop the 5mm BST (x180) in to really show a good separation. The blue in the smaller of the pair is so striking, it's a piercing colour almost into the violet spectrum to my eyes. 

Anyway, as I mentioned the session lasted about 1.5 hours, I was lovely and warm, it was a good steady night and I just wish I had prepared better for what could have been a much better session but at least I got my photon fix.



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You got a few classic doubles there!

100mm aperture is a bit on the low side for globulars, espcially M53 which is far away and quite dim. I prefer the view of M3 which is nearby and is more impressive, It is easy to find, halfway between Arcturus and Cor Caroli (which is also a very nice double).

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2 hours ago, Nik271 said:

You got a few classic doubles there!

100mm aperture is a bit on the low side for globulars, espcially M53 which is far away and quite dim. I prefer the view of M3 which is nearby and is more impressive, It is easy to find, halfway between Arcturus and Cor Caroli (which is also a very nice double).

yeah I tried to find M3 and struggled. When I checked stellarium earlier I figured I was a couple of degree wide. One for next time. 

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