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M13 from London

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This is from the beginning of this month when we had a few nights of really clear skies. It's 30x 180s per filter accidentally mixed with 6x 300s and processed accidentally with 300s darks which is I think why some column defects are showing. Its RGB as my L flats were all ruined by a frosted sensor window which luckily thawed in time for the other filters- will redo when I get a chance. processed in Siril with a minor tweak in Gimp

It's the first time I've managed to get enough data to see a bit of the haze of fainter stars around the brighter core (I guess they must be stars?- they seem quite uniformly dimmer but have point like shape like stars) I blew the core out a bit to see more of them. Colour's not quite right- I don't know why but the photometric cali in Siril ends up with pink stars which should be more orange I think- I think it might be the Deep Sky filters I switched to- the old 2c filters were more natural to my eye. I need to sort out a focuser as although the filters are roughly parfocal, they're not perfect. I focus in red as it tends to be a bit more bloaty, but am getting double spikes in G and B on the brighter stars.


M13 RGB Combo Registered GIMP.jpg

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