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Differences between Celestron SCT 6" Scopes

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Is there any differences between the various Celestron 6" SCT Scopes?  I see a lot of them are mounted on various different mounts (Astro Fi, Nexstar Evolution, SE) and as a OTA.  Is there a difference between the actual scopes?  I know (for example) that there are some slight differences in the Skywatcher Skymax 127 between the unmounted and the one that comes with the AZ-gti, so was wondering if there are any differences between the C6" OTA and the mounted flavours?  I can't seem to find the C6 OTA in the UK, but the prices in Europe seem to be more than it is for the Scope +mount in the UK in some cases!

At this point I'm just more curious than anything, but it does present some interesting options down the road in terms of potential upgrades.

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I am not aware of any significant differences. The C8 OTA has an assortment of holes in the end castings allowing it to be attached to a single fork, twin fork or EQ, and the tubes are given different colours, and some have a rear handle and some not, but the optics are all the same. 

In some cases the price of a C6 bundle is discounted to the price of the OTA, making an interesting buying choice...

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