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T7c Astro camera


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I currently have a Sky-Watcher 200p + goto eq5 Mount and I am looking to do some imaging with the t7c Astrocamera before I upgrade to a new camera and use the t7c as a guide camera.

I am looking to deep sky astrophotography and I’m sure the scope and Mount are worthy of this but I am wondering if the t7c camera is truly any good for beginner deep sky astrophotography? Also, I am not looking for any demanding targets, just some of the more brighter objects. 

Lastly and most importantly, how is the t7c’s compatibility with MacBooks and PHD2?

Many thanks 


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I've guided with one previously on an older Macbook Pro before using PHD2; but I've not tried it with anything more modern than OS X 10.11 or a Mac that was built after 2012.  I don't know how it'd fare with a more modern Mac, as there's been a lot of changes in the last ten years especially in the things like the USB systems on Apple machines so I don't know if they'll be less tolerant to the USB problems the original ASI120 (and by proxy, the T7 which is a clone of) had by design.

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  • 8 months later...

I have a T7C. There is also a T7M (mono). It is an almost-clone of the ASI120 MC (T7C with possibly a better sensor) and should identify as an ASI 120 for drivers etc (ASCOM   https://www.ascom-standards.org/ ). It works in PHD2, I use Windows though.  ZWO (ASI) drivers otherwise.

Decent cheap camera. Don't expect too much. Mono would have more sensitivity for guiding but I also wanted to take photos without bothering with filters.  Guiding, moon, planetary, - deep sky possible. Decent digital camera and lens better for wide field. A decent digital camera mounted prime on the telescope will do a better job of imaging.

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