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Very large lunar mosaic


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Having seen some great mosaic images on here I was tempted to revisit one of my disasters from last year.

I grabbed this series of 50 images back in September of last year and have done some more work on it. I left it on my hard drive at the time in some shame as I had missed a part of the moon surface. I used my DMK31 with 2x barlow, equinox 80mm scope mounted on a HEQ5 mount.

The total AVIs were 18 gig of data processed in Registax 4 to produce the 50 images and stitched. Tweaked in PS6

So I thought I'd post the link here for you to comment on, if you like to.

File size is 1.4Mb and is 4423x4583 pixels.

Anyway I hope you like it despite the glaring gap in it!



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Hi Neil,

I use a panorama graphics program from Serif to stitch the images together. I use Registax 4 to process the AVIs but I don't make any adjustments to the images other then to tweak the wavelet settings to get the best I can from the image. I then use the same settings for the other images.

To ensure that I keep the levels on each capture more or less the same I use the histogram settings in the IS Capture camera software making sure that the graph is pretty much the same for each sequence of captures.

Final tweaking is done in PS6 to give a final image. Its a lot of work to get a final image but worth it as I did have another mosaic lunar image, posted on here, published in the Sky at Night magazine earlier this year.



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Now that is big, there are some fuzzy bits at the top and join lines. If I give it a go I will have to avoid these but it looks tremendously difficult on that scale to get seemless matching up. Yours is a splendid result and spurs me on, thanks JohnH.

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