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Astro Fi Mount Error


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Hi I have a Celestron Astro Fi 5 Mount that's never really worked, first scope so thought I was doing something wrong.

When trying to align and slewing AZ it will travel about 10 degrees then go 5 degrees back, takes ages to actually get where I want, then when I travel ALT to get to the star it do the same only a lot faster. Then once it gets close it will go berserk and move in small movements in all directions, this can last for 2 minutes.

It does the same wether I use my Nexstar Hand Control or WiFi. I use a Celestron Power Tank fully charged and a 12/24 Volt 65  Watt Cigarette Lighter Charger to power it.

I can easily move the scope in ALT when not powered but have no play when trying AZ.

I've tried all different backlash settings with no difference.

If I ever manage to get a successful alignment either with hand control or on phone with WiFi and skew to a target, it sets off but is miles off target, could be by 25 degrees or it will set off all over the place looking confused.

I'm going to get a Skywatcher EQ3 Pro but would like to be able to repair this so I know what went wrong.


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Hi Mybbodycalc, Just joined and a newbie too but found some issues with that sort of moving "around the star" behaviour but not for two minutes.  I recently updated the firmware using the info here - worth a try?  The only other issue that affected me is alignment seemed to be better if the tripod was levelled before aligning. good luck and let me know how you get on.  Phil

Edited by That Bear Guy
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