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Upgrading from Svbony Redline eyepieces

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I have been observing since 1986 with a variety of telescopes. I've had virtually everything from 60mm up to 305mm, refractors and Newtonian reflectors (dobs and GEMs) and a couple Maks. My current scope is a Celestron Omni 150, 6 inch f/5 Newtonian on Orion's Skyview Pro GEM. When I sold my last telescope, I mistakenly sold the eyepieces with it so I had to hurry up and get eyepieces and I bought three of the Svbony Redines (9, 15, 20). Supposedly, these are the same as the Orion Expanse line. 

Anyway, I would like to start upgrading my eyepieces individually. My most used eyepieces are the 9mm and 15mm along with 2x and 3x Barlows (Orion's 2x shorty and 3x trimag). I'm looking at a high price point of around $150 per eypiece. I am a Lunar and Planetary observer and also that of double stars and open star clusters. My main interest, though, is and has always been the Moon.  Although I have just joined this site, I have been a member of CN since 2007.

I've been looking at TV Plossls, Baader Orthoscopics, the ES 52s and the ES 62s. Since I'm dealing with an f/5 scope, I'm looking more toward optical sharpness over eye relief or field of view. I do wear glasses but I don't have to wear them while I observe. That being said, that doesn't mean I want to screw the damned things into my eyes either, so I DO need some eye relief. 

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Hi and welcome to SGL.

I'm quite happy with my ES62 5.5mm although fastest scope I used with is F/6. It is quite sharp in center and has some eye relief (not enough for eyeglasses though). From what I've read 9mm should be good as well, so that is something I would recommend.

For 15mm you can go with quality plossl.

If you don't mind narrow AFOV - then have a look at these - I've heard only good things about them - they are in your price range and should be very sharp:


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I bought a couple of Svbony UFF 10mm eyepieces and I love them. They're sharp and bright, very compact, and you can pick them up for very little money - mine were only £75 for the pair including delivery.

The design is part of a range that were originally commissioned by APM and sold as "Ultra Flat Field" eyepieces, and are available in focal lengths of 10mm (60 degree AFOV), 15mm, 18mm, 24mm (all 65 degree), and 30mm (70 degree). Svbony only sell the 10mm and 18mm models under their brand but some or all of the other focal lengths are available from brands such as Celestron, Altair, Meade, Orion, Tecnosky, Sky Rover, and Artesky.

They were designed to work with scopes down to f/5 so they should be okay with your setup. I've not tried any of the other focal lengths in the range although I have ordered the 15mm and 24mm models (Sky Rover brand) so I should get a chance to test them soon.

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