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TV Series on DVD recommendation


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Hi. My partner is looking for a TV Series she can get her father on DVD. He is not an astronomer, but a very technical person otherwise (engineer), and recently tried watching Brian Cox's either Wonders of the Universe or Universe (probably the latter as it was on TV recently?) and complained it was too simple, they didn't go a bit technical.

So, any recommendations for something that is not simple/superficial? Someone proposed "How the universe works" to me, but I can't find a (Region 2 at least) DVD of that. I remember I liked the 90s Hawkings PBS series "Universe", but it seems they released a 2010 series called "Into The Universe", but brought into the UK as "Universe" and that's the only one you can find now and most reviews say it is too simplistic. I think the original Cosmos is a bit dated, even though I love Sagan and did not like the DeGrasse version enough to keep watching and see if it gets better...

If you have an idea, please share ;) 

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I wish I could find one too. I found Universe a real disappointment. Dramatic graphics, some really interesting stuff in there, but so slow, and the overly dramatic and intrusive music drove me crazy!  

I guess the problem is that the science has changed so much in recent years, that anything more than a few years old is totally out of date anyway...

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