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Some help with my Jupiter please?

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I had a quick go on Jupiter with my 8"  Dob and eyepiece projection (I know not the optimal setup but having a bit f fun); 2min movie using Nikon D3200. The GRS is nicely visible. I seem to be getting this red fringe after stacking/sharpening. I stacked the best 20% of 5000 frames in Siril and tried some sharpening there (I am Mac user). Colour balancing in Gimp. Any idea how to get rid off the red fringe on the right? Thanks.



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The problem is the 200P being an f5 scope won't give you a magnified image like the one you got with the eyepiece. 

The best image I got was back in 2011 using  an old Philips SPC900 CCD webcam with two 2x barlows stacked to give a focal ratio of f20, and even then the resulting stacked image still had a blue hue to the edges.  I was lucky as seeing was very good, and Jupiter was better placed compared to how it is now.



The forum software has brightened the image slightly and thus reduced the contrast somewhat, but there is still some detail, but the cheap barlow lenses still made processing hard work. - Another example below



I later tried my QHY5 mono straight onto the scope at f5 - this gives you some indication of the image size, although different sensor and pixel sizes may give a slight improvement


This was at native resolution of 1280 x 1024 compared to the other two images which were 640 x 480, being the max the small web cam offered.  (Yes, a decade ago were were hacking CCD webcams to act as planetary cameras :) )

The 200P is however an excellent DSO imaging scope, even with a modest canon DSLR... but that's a different ball game altogether 




Hope that helps 

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