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StarAid Revolution Rev B (prefocus / backfocus distance)

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Just got round to the "final" (yerr right) piece of the puzzle for the observatory and trying to setup my StarAid with a 60mm guidescope. This being connected directly to the pc.

I have been attempting to do this during the daytime using the apps "live view" but I am not seeing any detail whatsoever on the screen even while adjusting gain/exposure. I have even added a barlow (without lens) for extended reach) and no joy.  To check I was pointing accurately, I installed my ASI178MC and brought that to focus (without barlow) and then added the StarAid but it will not pick out any detail other than changes in brightness. 

The first daft question I am wondering about is if the StarAid is optimised solely for night time and using the "live view" during the daytime might not be possible ?  I appreciate it is a CCD and it ought not to make any difference but I don't know how the proprietary software works.

Other question, has anyone else got a StarAid or used one and if so, is there a specific back focus distance ?

I would pull my hair out but I'm way past that point ;)

I have also raised the question with StarAid support but already have unanswered tickets dating back almost 6 months unfortunately which is a shame.




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Ok, to answer my own question, I have just brought it to focus on stars - just a slight gap in the clouds tonight but it was enough .... wow, it certainly did pick up plenty. Interesting it would not see any detail during the daytime !!

For others that might be following, I did NOT need the barlow extension and it focused perfectly about 1/3 of the way in using the 60mm guide scope. The "auto settings" were quite grainy but the stars were very pronounced. I did not try guiding as it is far too cloudy tonight.

On another matter, absolutely nothing heard from StarAid support. I did hear that they did go quiet during the earlier covid times and that they have now begun responding to tickets. Sadly, not the case with myself. There is a recent software update though (October 2021) improving plate solving/polar alignment accuracy I believe. I'm just wanting to have more faith in the company and hoping development continues that will allow the plate solving solution to progress into an automatic goto function.

Really hope someone from StarAid is on SGL and can respond.

Best wishes,

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