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Skywatcher AZ-EQ5 GT max size planetary telescope

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Hi all, just introduced myself in the 'Welcome' group and decided to post the gear that I have and am getting as an upgrade.

I've just sold my Skywatcher 300p flexi-tube and bought a Skywatcher AZ-EQ5 GT with DarkFrame StellarDrive upgrade and a cheap Svbony SV503 80/560 Refractor F7 with the 0.8 flattener and now waiting for the ZWO ASI533 camera for deep space photography. For planetary I was looking at a second-hand Celestron Edge HD8 and maybe get a non-cooled colour ZWO camera, which could also be used for guiding when not in use. I was wondering if the HD8 would be the largest planetary telescope that I can put on the EQ5 GT mount?

Clear skies!

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You don't really need Edge HD series for planetary imaging. Regular Celestron SCTs can produce as good if not better planetary images.

Most telescope designs are quite sharp on axis and for planets - you'll be using only central portion of field of view. Even for lunar imaging - if you want full disk - you'll do mosaics.

If you have the funds - I'd seriously consider getting C9.25 for planetary imaging instead. Maybe even C11.

C11 will be right there on weight limit of the mount - but for planetary imaging - you can push the mount up to the limit - unlike for deep sky AP where you want great precision and you want to put less than 2/3 of max weight on the mount.

Here is example of C11 being mounted on AZEQ5:


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