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Sadr Region in Cygnus

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After a bit of a break to build my garden observatory, I finally managed to get some imaging done.  It is my longest session to date - mostly because I did not have much setup or take down time and I let the imaging carry on late into the night.

Image details:

  • 41 x 300s exposures
  • ISO 800
  • Canon EOS 450D (modded)
  • No darks - only dither in PHD2 / Backyard EOS
  • 10 x Flats using a light panel from Amazon used for tracing images etc
  • 10 x Bias
  • Bortle 8 skies in south Birmingham
  • There was a full moon in Aquarius / Capricorn so not too close to Cygnus
  • Skywatcher 150PDS, Skywatcher HEQ5 (Rowan Belt Mod), Skywatcher Coma corrector, Astronomik  EOS Clip filter for light pollution
  • Processes in DeepSky stacker and Photoshop CS5.

I tried various amounts of stretches but the noise would get too much. I've not done anywhere near 3.5 hours of exposures before so am not sure if I should have caught more nebulosity or this is what 3.5 hours in my conditions should give me. Also I am really very colour blind (Red / Green) so my colours may be off to normal vision people.  Overall I am happy with it as I am still learning. Focus needs a touch improvement I think and also polar alignment was not too great with PHD2 having a disco keeping the RA in check. 

I hope you enjoy and if you do live in heavily light polluted skies, you can still do what I do and have a bash anyway!




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