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IC1396 Reworked


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So, while waiting patiently for the constant grey cover to clear one day soon, I thought I'd have a go at reworking my first image taken a few months ago. I posted a Hubble Palette version of it a while back so heres the RGB version. My PixInsight skills are very slowly improving & with this I separated the channels combined the G & B channel to 'create'  OIII & used Red as Ha. Then combined the 2 in LRGBCombination, populating L & R as HA & G & B as OIII (if that makes sense?)

The image is rather noisy even after using EZ Denoise & Vignetting is apparent due to the fact it was my first image & I hadn't taken any flats. All this is good practise & I 'think' i'm slowly seeing progress with the processing side of things, just need some clear skies to get better with the actual imaging part of it.

Thanks for looking



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