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My first Jupiter transition


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As a beginner, I wanted to see a Jupiter transition with its moon.  I had seen in Stellarium that Ganymede will be transiting Jupiter tonight but the skies were cloudy all day.The skies cleared around 2200 and I managed a quick observation tonight. I was out between 2215-2245. Jupiter showed some really nice orange brown bands and behold at ~9 o'clock (Dob position) I could make a small circular shadow on Jupiter's surface. What an ecstatic feeling! I had seen photos/animations in this forum but it was the first time to see the transition with my own eyes! Amazing! I spent 30 min and the shadow was slowly moving away from the surface towards 9oclock. The clouds spoiled the rest of the fun. Not bad for 30min observation!

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I remember several years ago, [upon hearing an article on my local radio station], viewing Jupiter, the four Galilean moons were eclipsed. Then one by one they started to emerge.

One of the highlights of my observing I will never forget... [apart from the date]. 

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