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Upgrading from a SGP

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Afternoon folks,

Im sure this question has been asked a thousand times, so apologies, but I just wanted some input on upgrading my mount.

I currently have a very simple set up consisting of a WO Z73 + flattener with a astro modded Canon 600D, all riding on a Sky Guider Pro with a Sky-Watcher 3/8" stainless Steel tripod.

I am looking into getting a more serious mount with better overall performance and capable of holding my current setup + any future upgrades (a guiding system/ASIairpro etc)

I am currently looking at the HEQ5 Pro:


Seems like a solid all rounder if I am not mistaken. Am I on the right tracks by shooting for this mount, or do you think there is something else that would be better suited?

Thanks for any input guys.

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Seems like the logical upgrade really. Another consideration could be an iOptron GEM 28 or a CEM 26. They would be pretty much an equivalent to the HEQ5.

I'm in a bit of a similar position myself in that I have a SGP and will be looking to set myself up with a go-to mount in the near future.

Personally I'm leaning more towards the iOptron mounts. I guess the real question you have to ask yourself is what do you think you'll want to achieve with the mount? Will you be looking to upgrade your scope in the future? All these things should be considered as you can quickly find yourself looking at that mount and thinking "Why didn't I get xxxxx?"

I'm not a mount expert but it's something I've been mulling over too so I thought I'd chip in.

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1 hour ago, Toaster05 said:

Seems like the logical upgrade really. Another consideration could be an iOptron GEM 28 or a CEM 26. They would be pretty much an equivalent to the HEQ5.

I'm in a bit of a similar position myself in that I have a SGP and will be looking to set myself up with a go-to mount in the near future.

Personally I'm leaning more towards the iOptron mounts. I guess the real question you have to ask yourself is what do you think you'll want to achieve with the mount? Will you be looking to upgrade your scope in the future? All these things should be considered as you can quickly find yourself looking at that mount and thinking "Why didn't I get xxxxx?"

I'm not a mount expert but it's something I've been mulling over too so I thought I'd chip in.

Those iOptron mounts do look very nice!

A bit more expensive, but keeping with the colour of my red and white WO Z73 a bit more too...I read having an aesthetically pleasing rig increases SNR by 20%.. :D

I have no immediate plans of upgrading my scope, still nowhere close to seeing the full potential of my scope yet, having only experienced unguided SGP imaging...but something to bare in mind.

imaging payload capacities of 11KG - 12 KG-aa stated on the website seems good. My full planned setup including the guiding system would fall around 5.5KG give or take, and I think I have read people recommending to stay at about half the recommended payload for optimal results, given that manufacturers are going to state generous parameters. 

thank you for the suggestions, will do some research on them :)

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