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Complete Noob

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Hi everyone 

Always wantes a telescope and have decided now is the time.

Live in Southport in the NW of England

 I have a budget of around £300

So was looking at the skywatcher 130p

Have seen one advertised second hand with eq2 mount and motor drive with extras for £250.

Is this a good starter setup

Thanks for any help all comments appreciated.


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Firstly, welcome to SGL.

There will be lots of opinions on a good starter scope, but I would say that a Newtonian like this is not a bad start. Be aware that a new 130M is only 259 pounds new, so depending on the extras it may not be such a good buy.

Other options would be a used dobsonian or a small acromat like an ST80. The other alternative would be start of with a decent pair of binoculars to learn your way around the sky.

If you do a search on first scopes there is lots of advice here to help with your decision making.

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