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ASIAir Pro Image preview

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Hi all! Pretty much a noob with all dedicated astro cameras. I have the Air Pro app loaded on a new tablet and I get connected, but I get no image (other than change of state with cap on/cap off - dark screen/light screen) or histogram on the tablet. I thought it was a back focus issue, but I set it for what was recommended and got the right spacer on the 120mm mini - I can disconnect the USB from the Air Pro and plug it directly to my PC and I get live image on that ASI capture software, but nothing on the ASIAir  app. They're all ZWO cameras (ASI120mm mini [guide] and ASI120 or 183mc [main]) that show properly when connected the the Air Pro, the focal lengths of the guide scope and telescope are correctly entered. I used the same exposure time on the app I was using on the PC. Power is good because I can move the EAF (powered by the Air Pro via USB) with the hand control. Lights are steady - I'm at a loss.

I almost feel like it is the most basic thing I am missing in the instructions - like moving the "on/off switch to the on position" or something stupid, but danged if I can find it.


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BTW - The image above was right after I got the GT81 - the back focuses are set correctly now and the right spacers are installed on the mini. (I have my Nikon on the main tube with a 0.8x flattener right now). And everything is actually plugged in correctly.

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