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QUESTION for the FLO dudes

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Will a Celestron 80ED APO Premium Refractor be able to have an Olympus E-400 with Celestron T-mount attached to it and still achieve focus.

I ask this because I have an 8inch Starhopper OTA and the Olympus doesn't focus with it, I have found that practically all the focusing unit needs to be removed to achieve focus........so I am hoping that with the 80ED being a refractor then it should focus a lot easier.

p.s. how many does FLO have left?

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I can't answer about how many FLO have left, but I can achieve focus with the C80ED and the 450d, but not with the T thread attachment thingy provided on the scope. It doesn't have quite enough out focus. However, using a 1.25" nosepiece instead works fine. I bought a 2" extension tube and fittings to reduce vignetting.

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i couldnt reach focus either off the end of he c80ed with my sony A350 but i only needed a short t thread extension to do it so either that or a 1.25 t adapter will do it. i actually extend it out a fair bt so as to reduce how far the focusser was wound out. bit ofa pain having to atache / detache the extension but not any real problem

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