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JULY 3RD - AR2835 AR2837 AR2836?


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Today was 100% cloud with heavy rain up to past lunch time. Just in case of a miracle, I set up my SW 72ED with solar filter and Olympus camera by the back door on the AZ5, ready to go out.  If I was lucky I could get out quicker than with the 102ED.

Just before 5 pm could see a brighter looking patch in the SE. Grabbed the scope , dashed  outside and was lucky to have an hour of small breaks until about 6 pm.

Could see plenty of detail between the clouds.  When I came in I realised I hadn't seen AR2836.  Presumably its gone as it doesn't appear on any of the pics I took either. The smaller AR2837 is still there to the N of A R2835.

The single frame below was taken with the SW 72ED and the Olympus at 5.35 pm, 1/60 sec at 250 asa. Also a crop taken from it.





Edited by paulastro
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