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William Optics GT-71 vs. GT-81

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I'm currently imaging with an old Celestron C8 + f6.3 focal reducer and a ZWO ASI294MC Pro and I want to get a wider field telescope to compliment the C8 for shooting nebulas etc. I am trying to decide between the WO GT-71 and WO GT-81 with their 0.8x Focal Reducer. The GT-71 appears to be significantly cheaper than the GT-81 so I am trying to understand if there is a compelling argument or technical reason to pay more and get the GT-81?

Thanks for any advice or views

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From looking at the specifications there does not seem to much in it and the performance would be similar for AP. It appears that the GT-81 comes with a camera rotator which is a slight advantage. Ultimately I think it is down to your preference in terms of focal length and field of view. Check the pixel ratio with your camera - I suspect both will be slight over-sampled. Also depends what mount / guiding you are using. If you are guiding on a GEM then either would be fine. If you are running unguided then the short FL may be better.

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