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NGC 6888 SHO - Combining (old) data from very different FL's


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Seeing as i haven't imaged anything since October of last year (don't ask!) i've been forced to get creative and dig through some old data to see what i could come up with. As it turns out, i had some Ha data of the Crescent Nebula taken with my Ha-modified Nikon D5300 and SW 80ED from way back in Nov 2018 that never made it into a final image. Last October I did a mosaic of the entire Cygnus region in SHO for which i used an ancient 50mm Zuiko lens to shoot the Sii and Oiii (i did the Ha at 135mm) and so i had the crazy idea to try and use the 50mm Sii and Oiii data together with the SW 80ED Ha data to see if i could make something even remotely resembling a passable SHO version of NGC 6888. 

Try as i might, i simply couldn't get the Sii and Oiii data to register to the 80ED data. Hardly surprising i suppose! So in the end i just used PS to rotate and scale them to get them as close as i could. I was actually surprised at what came out colour-wise, even though the Sii and Oiii channels are obviously nowhere near nuanced enough to provide any small-scale structure to the colours they imparted. I was also expecting to just have to resort to using white stars in the final image, so I was even more surprised when i was able to generate useable SHO star colours for the majority of the stars as well. All in all, quite an enjoyable endeavour being able to turn old unfinished data into something half-decent (i hope!). 

Full details:

13 x 1200s (4.33 hrs) of Ha; Nikon D5300 at ISO 200; SW 80ED

21 x 1200s (7 hrs) of Oiii; Atik383l+  Zuiko 50mm lens @ F4

11 x 1200s (3.67 hrs) of Sii; Atik383l+  Zuiko 50mm lens @ F4

Stacked in APP, processed in PS. Downscaled in post to 65% of the Ha-80ED res. 

CS folks!



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