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Help me choose a pair of binoculars


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Hi, I am new to the forum and I am looking for some advice on buying my first pair of binoculars. 

I am looking for a pair that I can take backpacking and use during lulls when viewing meteor showers. So generally I will be using them in fairly dark conditions. They need to be comfortable to be used handheld, weight up to around 1.1 kg and ideally waterproof.  Budget is £125. I have previous experience using an 8 inch dobsonian if that makes any difference. I am a bit wary of 10x50 as it seems that a lot of people find them a bit shaky, and I would like them to be more comfortable without needing a mount. I am more drawn towards 8x56 and 7x50 (prefer the 8x56, I am 25 and my pupils dilate more than 7mm).  So far I have seen these:

Opticron Adventurer 10x50 T WP - £84 (Pretty good reviews on these, decent price, but 10x50, may not be stable enough)

Celestron Skymaster DX 8x56 - £123 (Think these are heavily reduced from RRP of around £200, slightly narrow field of view)

NIKON ACULON A211 7X50 - £89 (Not done as much research on these, open to other suggestions)

Any recommendations? 

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Opticron Adventurer T WP - no contest, IMO. My review here and how to hand-hold it steadily here. Re holding: when my son was 8, using 10x50s he independently "discovered" M34 and devised a star-hop to show me what he'd found, using the "triangular arm brace" method that he modeled for me 8 years later 🙂

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