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M63 and M106 updated


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It looks like I have a run of three nights in a row of dark skies - yes I know, it has not happened yet and forecasts are just that. Anyway....

I had 3 1/2 hours before the full moon last night so I took advantage of the Bortle 6 'darkness' and used it on M63, the Sunflower Galaxy. 3 min subs, 30 mins of RGB and 2 hours of luminance. Taken on the RC8 with an ASI1600m, processed in APP and Affinity.

As there was still a couple of hours after moon rise, I decided to use this time to add Ha data to M106 from a previous session as advised by MartinB. Certainly brought out some of the highlights. This was 5 hours of LRGB plus the two extra Ha. Processed as above.

CC and feedback welcome.

Sunflower_RGB_Stretch AP2.jpg

M106_HaLRGB AP2.jpg

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