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Question about refractor design and dismantling focuser for air travel?

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Good morning everyone.

I was wondering if you can educate me with regards to refractor design and the place where the glass sits in refractors?

I want to dismantle my focuser to make it safer and easier to take with me on a plane? I want to remove, if possible, the black CNC part?

My scope is the Altair 70 EDQ-R quadruplet Apo.

Is there any glass in the BLACK focuser part? Is it safe to dismantle that part, and then easily put it back on? Or will I mess up the collimation etc?

At the very least, I want to remove the actual focuser control knobs and bar from underneath the scope? Is that doable, and is it safe? Would that mess with the optics?

Usually with apo scopes, there is a diagram that shows where the glass elements are, but I could not find one for this scope?


Many thanks

unnamed (1).jpg


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Hi there is no glass in the focuser or in that end of the tube, only at the front. EDIT: No Jessun, that is most probably 100% wrong...

I don't know that focuser but I hasten a guess that where it rotates is where you can take it apart. I would hesitate to unscrew the entire focuser where it mates the white tube.

The focus knobs come off if you have the right allen key, but these are grub screws inside there and there's only so many times you can do that before the screws are destroyed. I would leave that as it is. 


Edited by Jessun
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