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Hi everyone, frustrated newbie looking for advice!

Just got a celestron 130 SLT NEXSTAR for Christmas and looking to try some imaging.

I have a Nikon D40X which I’ve tried to link with celestron 2x excel Barlow and appropriate t-adaptors but I’m still not achieving focus. Would a x3 Barlow work? 

I’m aware of focal plain issues with D-SLR and thought Barlow would fix this.

I’ve done a little research into solutions but don’t really want to go down the route of modding telescope at this point, with low profile focus unless it’s a straight swap!

Anyone got any advice on potential solutions? I’m now thinking of going down ccd route so any advice on reasonable priced new or second hand options. But advice is sketchy, as people asking for advice on ccd’s seem to be directed back to D-SLR.

I’m prepared to got to a few hundred as a solution (FYI I use a Mac so any solution would need to use Mac compatible software)

I want to start with moon & planets before progressing onto DSO.

i don’t want to keep spending without achieving a solution.

Thanks in advance

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130SLT NEXSTAR is not going to be able to do proper DSO astrophotography anyway since it is AltAz mount.

It will be able to do lunar and planetary very well with suitable barlow and dedicated planetary camera. Planetary imaging is a bit different than regular photography as it works by shooting thousands of images - usually in the form of video and then processing that - best frames are selected and stacked and then you move onto further processing.

You don't have to spend fortune to get decent planetary camera - something like this will be very good:


and if you have the budget, one of the best planetary performers is not much more expensive:


Only issue with these is that you'll have to do mosaic to get complete lunar disk in single image.

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