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Favourite astronomy related gadgets, machines or devices


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Above is a link to a new Huawei contellation and moon phase watch. It looks quite good.

Though I don't have one. I also like the idea of night sky /contellation projectors just like a home planetarium. Some people have orreries (hope the spelling is correct). I wish that there was a projector that could project the motion of the planets and moon on the ceiling. Just like a planetarium app can. There is also a contellation viewer that you look into. Just like a coliderscope.

I do have an illuminated moon globe.

What are your favourite devices or machines astronomy wise?

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I love globes and have seven of them. I've even made four or five globe's of Mars, as seen through a telescope, some of which I gave to my observing buddies. I like maps and charts too. I've also made a few of those over the years. But I'm a bit old school and  not really into electronics and technology. I'm in my element sat in the middle of the floor surrounded by star charts and lunar atlases. Having only a 3.9" refractor I need to take advantage of every photon my scope funnels towards my retina, so looking at tablets or computer screens really doesn't have any appeal, as it must have some detrimental effect on dark adaption. Instead, I pre study star charts and I know the night sky reasonably well, so I rarely ever have to refer to a chart or star atlas when observing. If I were to choose just one astro related gadget other than my telescope, that i consider to be the biggest game changer above all others, it has to be my binoviewer - at least for lunar & planetary observing.



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