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ES 9mm/100


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I have an Es 5.5 and find it very comfortable with eye relief, Its quite tight but I always find the perfect position really quick and easy.

Has anyone got the 5.5 and the 9mm? How similar are they in this respect?

I love the way the 5.5 is and wondering if it would sit nicely under my E13. 

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The eye relief on the 9mm is 2mm longer than the eye relief on the 5.5mm.

You might also look at the 9mm APM XWA, which has 0.5mm more eye relief than the ES9.

The half-way point in magnification between your 5.5mm and a 13mm is a 7.7mm, not a 9mm.

8mm would be closest.

APM's 7mm 100° is about a month away.

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