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Crescent Nebula - NGC 6888

Derbyshire Dave

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The Crescent Nebula NGC 6888
Taken last month from my home in Derbyshire.
I know that the Crescent generally gets framed dead centre, but I wanted to try out a more quirky composition and pick up on some of the interesting nebulosity in the region in the rest of the frame..
Five minute exposures, 38Ha, 25Oiii and 23Sii. Stacked with flats and darkflats in DSS, processed in PixInsight and Photoshop..
William Optics GT81 with field flattener, ZWO ASI 183MM cooled camera, Losmandy GM8 mount, guiding with PHD2 via ZWO 120mc.


Edited by Derbyshire Dave
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