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Cygnus Wall SHO


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Finally got round to completing my SHO rendition of the Cygnus Wall

I had a lot of problems with the mount for the last few months but that was down to my stupidity and daisy chaining extension leads, so tip of the day, don't be like me and do that

I might add more Ha since I only got 2 hours but the signal is that strong nonetheless that I may not.


Imaging telescope: TS Optics TS Photoline 90mm f6,6 Triplet FPL53 Apo CF

Imaging camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM Pro

Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro (belt mod.)

Ha: 27x300" (gain: 139.00) -15C bin 1x1

SII: 35x300" (gain: 139.00) -15C bin 1x1

OIII: 45x300" (gain: 139.00) -15C bin 1x1

Integration: 8.9 hours

C&C welcome





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