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List of deconvolution / image enhancement apps


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I think it may be slight;y appropriate to create a sticky page with all the software out there that is designed specifically for image enhancement.  I spent my telescope downtime researching some processing theories, and it is very clear to me; that software exists out on the web which is extremely valuable;  but is rarely or seldom ever spoken about because of all the other software that has gained popularity over the years and basically strong-armed  its way into the field.  (pixinsight) (sharpcap)

Paying a monthly fee to use photoshop, is never going to happen on my watch so alternatives are required.  Afterall, we are not making money on our solar images-



First an abstract, which clearly labels algorhithms that have specifically been designed for optical studies and image resotration.

https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2Fb102215    (sorry if you cannot read some of these, the full document requires student access)




 Imppg is a great piece of software developed by ;Greatattractor;    i have used religiously for the past few years and it is indeed amazing.  It does still have limitations or features that are not yet implemented.  However, it is highly recommended.

So far IMPPG is the absolute best software out there for sharpening, 



Kindly add more software links that you may know about, or that you find resourceful.


Virtual dub is a great tool for pre processing some of your raw video files, for things like false color addition/ and levels adjustments.  You can also do cropping and apply image overlays




pipp is also very valuable,   with this app you can make new video files that are "Stable" , and have had some of the worst frames removed.   It is very powerful for writing a very stripped video file,   forcing autostakkert to only use what you want from your data..





Here is an apps that i find to be the fastest solution for batch file cropping/ resizing.      Cropping is a feature that is not available in ImppG; and mass cropping / saving of images in not a feature in Gimp;  so  when processing timelapse animations   ; image cropping is absolutely vital to the final image size.   


Edited by Kitsunegari
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